There didn’t seem to be a single person with a different point of view, even in the studio audience where, by the way, I could not find a single person of color. The audience was supposedly made up of 9/11 victims. As a former New Yorker, I know for sure that many people of color were among that group. Funny how unrepentant bigot Hannity couldn’t seem to find any worth including. If there had been any attempt at balance, the show would also have included some members of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows which supports the civilian trials. But during the last segment of the show, Hannity dropped all pretense of discussing the trial as he brought on anti-immigration extremist Peter Gadiel who suggested President Obama should be arrested for treason. So how did “Great American” Hannity react to that bit of extremism? By encouraging his audience to agree.
The post Video- Hannity's Studio Audience Wants Obama Tried For Treason appeared first on The Political Carnival.