If you were watching the opening statements today at the George Zimmerman trial, you heard the prosecutor's opening statement quoting the defendant,"F---ing punks. These assholes always get away." That, in case you didn't know were Zimmerman's words. This was followed immediately with another use of the "F" word.
Immediately MSNBC broke away to an apology by self-important Chuck Todd for their not bleeping out the two uses of profanity. Really? In this day and age?
It used to be you couldn't show a married couple on TV sleeping in the same bed, they needed separate beds. We couldn't say the word, "ass" unless it was preceded with the word "jack." Then there was the word "Hell." It used to be bleeped out during a movie, but the announcer was okay with saying, "Stayed tuned for more of ' To Hell And Back' after these messages." Softening standards led to not if you could say "hell" but how many times in a show.
"Bitch" and "bastard" were verboten as well. And God forbid, you said "shit." And let's not forget Janet Jackson's "nipplegate" scandal. It was so bogus that the FCC even dropped it's fine on the network because it was stupid. Face it, profanity and nudity are part of life. And now they're commonplace on TV. Remember the outrage when they showed Dennis Franz's naked backside on NYPD Blues? Now anything less that full frontal nudity is allowed.
Isn't it time we got over the phony outrage? This is news coverage. As a news event, why are we facing censorship? Don't we have a right to know without an arbitrary censor deciding what crosses the line? News should be truth. No one's harmed by the utterance of these words. Let's stop kidding ourselves that children hearing these words will be corrupted. You don't think they hear this every day at school? Stop making an issue out of it and maybe they wouldn't use those words and phrases as much.
A simple admonishment to your child that this isn't acceptable conduct or vocabulary for them is sufficient. I raised two kids and I'm sure when I stubbed a toe or hammered my thumb, they heard plenty, but vituperative speech was never a problem.
So TV networks, it's time you get over it? It's 2013. A comic the other night gave the definition of a "virgin as the ugliest girl in fourth grade." Maybe if we left Puritanism behind and explained things earlier to kids, we wouldn't have half the problems we have right now. Instead of $30 Billion for addition and unneeded border security, why not education? Innocent people will die with border patrol. Lives will be saved with education. Put some priorities on things.
The F-bomb was dropped a few times... When are we going to stop the phony outrage?
The bigger crime MSNBC and Fox News and the other outlets propagate is their giving coverage to stories by extremist that they know are lying. Now that's real pornography.
The post F-Bombs Away appeared first on The Political Carnival.